Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Farmhouse Charm Singer

  One Sunday afternoon, my hubby and I were browsing our local flea market. Suddenly, this antique, wrought iron Singer base caught my hubby's eye and he instantly had visions of a table. The $150 price tag was too pricey for me. We negotiated back and forth with the vendor. He wouldn't go below $100 and I wouldn't go above, so we decided to walk away. After walking the grounds a bit, we were ready to leave when the vendor saw us passing by. He stopped us and agreed to sell for the $80 if we still wanted it. We bought it quickly!!
  Once home, we began our project. Hubby built in a drawer with a black drawer pull, we used a Honey stain and sealed with polyurethane. It turned out amazing!
  Always keep an open mind when shopping or browsing. Inspiration will pop up when you least expect it. Manuel's eye for finding treasures and my haggling down price tags made for one of our favorite (without regret) peices. It definitely "Sings" with farmhouse charm!